This is dope. Filmed in '83, this was meant to be a TV show but for whatever reason it never came to be. What we are left with, 30 years later, is a glimpse into Hip-Hop culture before it because mainstream america got a hold of it and pimped the shit out of it. This was posted on Youtube last week so it'll let the creators describe what you are about to see (don't sleep, like I said, this is DOPE).
"Director Henry Chalfant introduces his film All City (1983), which grew out of an idea to do a youth TV program about Hip Hop and other cultural phenomena of interest to young urbanites. The program was never realized, but the trailer grew into a portrait of the different elements of Hip Hop in the mid-80s. The venue is Fashion Moda, a popular art gallery on Third Avenue in the Bronx. There is a demonstration of Bboying, and Rap, followed by a discussion, hosted by Spank TC5, about art and culture with important graffiti artists of the time including Dondi, Butch, Mare and Brim. The video includes a montage of murals by Henry Chalfant and a Pop and Lock lesson by Mr. Wiggles. It features the young Bboy crew, VTB, The Very Tough Breakers."