The folks over at Unkut have answered a question I've been asking myself for 15 years now - 'I wonder what Eric B is doing these days?' Don't front, you know you've thought the same. With help from Wikipedia that mystery has finally been solved. Eric B is Paid In Full!
"Eric is now the owner of 47 restaurants throughout the U.S. including New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, California, Texas, Washington DC, and most recently, Pennsylvania. Residing in a 57,000 sq. ft. palatial manor, Eric has become the ideological musician turned entrepreneur turned royalty and has truly taken his hit song Eric B is President to fruition. With a car collection featuring seven Rolls Royce vehicles, including the famed Rolls Royce featured on the cover of Follow the Leader, Eric’s vehicular menagerie features a Rolls Royce Phantom, Lamborghini, Ferrari, Aston Martin, and many other sought-after cars and trucks.
Recently featured on MTV Cribs, Eric B’s home, with a staff of 14 grounds keepers, chefs, maids, and security staff, was influenced by oriental design.
In 2007 Eric was honored by the President of the United States with an invitation to the White House where he met President George W. Bush, the First Lady and other dignitaries." - Wikipedia
Eric B & Rakim performing Eric B Is President and I Know You Got Soul at The Apollo back in 1986. This is that shit! Even though Rakim was just rapping over the actual records. they still absolutely murdered The Apollo.